Friday, February 3, 2012

P/HD+M [4:52]

Okay - Yes, this is late... again.  I know. I'm actually taking the day off of work to catch up on all of the stuff I'm behind on! I have two maternity session waiting in my que, print orders to mail/drop off, and prepping for two more maternity sessions this weekend! Yeah, it's the season of babies! I'm also hoping to "borrow" my friend Chelsea's newest addition for some newborn practice.

The February Photography Special just launched as well - check it out HERE

I haven't been home a single evening this week.  Hayden had gymnastics (she's now doing cartwheels!) and ballet on Monday - I also had to jet back to work to photograph the 6th grade girls basketball game.  I did something Tuesday, I went to dinner with a few other photographers from the area. Wednesday was a KINDERGARTEN meeting - yep, Kindergarten. Scary stuff. Is Hayden ready? Is she not? She's young, she'll likely be the youngest in her class. She'll be 17 when she graduates high school and goes to college - but the upside of that is she will not be able to check her self out of school her senior year. Her PreK teacher says she's good to go on everything, with the exception of her ability to sit and focus after an activity that she's already finished but others are still working on.  To me, that might be more of a classroom management issue.  You should always have a silent activity for kids to do after they are finished with the classwork/test/writing etc. Not my fault that my kiddo grasps concepts faster than others. She's always been that way. She just seems to know things - in a scary way.  It's almost like she's an old soul or something. In 7 months I will have a Kindergartener. Thursday I went to the talent show at my school.  We have some super talented kids.  I should get their autograph now while they still know me.

As I said before, I know this is late - but the girls and I last Sunday went to lunch at Eddie Pappa's in Pleasanton.  My mom and sister joined us - a good time was had by all.  Even if Delaney didn't eat and kept bugging the table next to us (it was the owner, thankfully he has three little ones of his own and he totally was okay with my flirtty 18 month old).

Delaney tried some cotton candy - she wasn't too sure about it - that's fine with mom. Hayden nabbed a pixie stick on our way out.  She had no idea what it was, but she does now!

After lunch, we loaded the girls in the car and I headed to the Walt Disney Park while my mom and sister went to the mall.

Delaney loves swings. period. If she had her way, she's stay in a swing all day.  I'm not sure where this stems from, but I don't even think she was ever in the swing as a baby. I had to hold her EVERYWHERE. But, she loves in now - It's more exciting than the slides and even more fun when big sister pushes!

 Trying some Strawberry Cotton Candy

 If Delaney ever sticks her tounge out at you and blow rasberries, you know where she learned it from. Thanks Auntie Laura.

 My helper.

 Best friends - for now.

Loud like her mama! She loves to scream when she's excited - she's excited a lot.

This project 52 is not about being a photographer - it's about being a better mother to my girls.

A few others to check out:
Shawna at Styleberry : A super creative mama with a bun in the oven.
Lisa at Adventures in Mommyhood : A new mama, blogging about life and motherhood
Christine at Raising Turtlebird : A new mama, blogging about life, work and motherhood

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Karey - your girls are gorgeous!!!