Monday, January 23, 2012

P/HD+M [3:52]

Wow - this week flew by! I got the phone call that our plate and hearts from last week were ready - but I haven't picked them up yet.  Typical.

Jen from Suzy's Craft Shoppe dropped of an amazing assortment of goodies that I purchased last week. Seriously, you need to check her out.  She's a local mom and a stunning craftswoman.  All of my preggo friends will be getting a little something from her - I may even have to pick up an adult sized Minnie Mouse beanie for me!

It's pouring outside right now.  It's the first rain that we've had in a long time.  I have a love/hate relationship with it - it's nice when you have nothing to do and you're all cozy in your house - it's a pain in the ass when you are working, need to grocery shop and have dogs AND hardwood floors. I'll be holding off on moping until there is a clear day in our forcast...

Since this rain is awful, we stayed in this week.  Hayden wanted to paint, again.  She loves to paint - but she also loves to not clean up, which is a problem. I was thinking of breaking out the canvases and brushes, but I rethought that when I noticed that we had chocolate chips in the baking cabinet. I haven't made chocolate chip cookies from scratch in years. No, not years as in a few months, years as in at least 5 years. Pre-kids, pre-fat butt. I got this amazing receipe from a dear friend Seana.  I've known the girl since she was about 3 - she's a beautiful woman now, working and living in San Diego. Her mom (at the time) was a pastery chef - while her dad worked for Otis Spunkmeyer.  Yeah.  You know these chocolate chip cookies are killer.

The Goods: 
Mix - Mix - Mix
Add some flour...
and DONE!

Shawna at Styleberry : A super creative mama with a bun in the oven.
Lisa at Adventures in Mommyhood : A new mama, blogging about life and motherhood

Saturday, January 21, 2012

Brendan [the proposal]

Ah! A proposal! I've known the bride-to-be Lindsay since she was in middle school.  She's is one of my sister's closest friends and the brilliance behind Lindsay Lauren Event Planning and Consulting.  Brendan, her amazing boyfriend (well, now fiance!) had this little event planned for weeks.  He was able to keep Lindsay in the dark - the whole time.  Her family knew.  His family knew. Her friends knew.  Even the cashier at the skating rink knew. We all arrived at the Civic Center Ice Skating rink in Walnut Creek - laced up our skate and wobbled on to the ice.  I was there on the premise that I was taking some fun photos for the Lazarex Cancer Foundation, (Brendan's mom is the founder and president) while people mingled and ice skated. I still can't believe I went on that ice with my camera in hand! Both families were there, many even flew in from out of state to be here for this special day.

All was normal, until Lindsay started getting roses...

Out came the roses...

Roses were given to Lindsay by family and friends - there were 11 in all
Then for the final rose...
Rose number 12.
Don't worry.  He came back.
Ring in hand.


Mikaela ~ Turning one [Children Photography]

I first met Miss Mikaela in November.  Her awesome mom bought a session though the LocalGruv promotion that I held earlier that month.  It was a killer deal and it was made even more special because I was able to meet and photograph such a special girl.  When I posted my January Special earlier this month, Mikaela's mom emailed me - minutes later! We set up a session for her one-year photos aka a 13-month session, since she had already turned one last month.  We set up a mini-studio at her home since  Miss M is sensitive to light.  I was thrilled to finally break out a new backdrop that I had received from Imajen - here are some of my favorites from the super fun session we had together.

Friday, January 20, 2012

Chelsea ~ Mama-to-be [Maternity]

I've known Chelsea since high school (just last year, I swear!)  She's an awesome person, an even better friend and an amazing mother to her son.  With a toddler (D just turned two on January 6), a German Shepard named Hunter and a football loving hubby, her house is impeccably clean (I don't doubt that she vacuums twice a day). Yes, I'm envious. I honestly don't know how she does it! But I guess we will see what happens when baby #2 makes his arrival - any day now.
Although we don't live close anymore, I love my friend dearly. I was ecstatic that I had a day off from work so I could go out and visit her and see that growing belly that I hadn't seen in months! Even at 37 weeks, she was beautiful and looked as if she was hiding her son's basketball under her shirt! I brought my camera (Duh!) for a little impromptu photo session - you know - to add to the portfolio... We all (I had my kids in tow too) headed across the street to the little park area.  The kids played, I snapped photos.  We chatted, my kids tried to get in the photos..

Chelsea's pregnancy is a true blessing.  Love her.  Can't wait to meet baby boy #2!

Oh, and no.  No name yet.  All suggestions are more than welcome below!
<3 <3 <3

Sunday, January 15, 2012

P/HD+M [2:52]

Here we are - WEEK TWO - 
Honestly, it's amazing I didn't forget - to blog that is!  This week has been full of... well... life! All of our schedules have returned to normal - Hayden's dance and gymnastics class at San Ramon Valley Dance Academy is back in full swing (even if she isn't). For me, the workday has returned and we are all back from winter break and color guard has started up again with our new recruits.  Our Spring 2012 season (which includes another Disneyland trip in March) is looking promising.  I have two awesome Dublin High School juniors helping me out and an alumni looking to help out in a few months time. Delaney has been plagued with a bit of a runny nose and cough during the day.  Still not sure what that's about. Greg is still working in Lafayette remodeling a commercial space downtown. So... on with my day with my babies... was offering a great little deal at Cafe Art - $3 for studio fee and a heart to paint.  I thought that was an awesome deal - so I nabbed three.  We headed out to the Cafe Art in Dublin, right by work (Amador Valley and Village Parkway, right next to Starbucks).  We left the house after Delaney's nap and after Hayden picked up most of her morning mess.  Kids were looking cute, we walked in and went to the counter only to see a former student working there! What fun! I love to see what my 'old' students are up to.  This student in particular was in one of my more favorite PE classes a few years ago, she's a junior at Dublin High School now. I handed her my Local Gruv coupons and she handed me my three hearts.  Honestly, I was a little disappointed in the size - they were itty bitty.  Hard to believe they'd charge $12 for this normally (that's what the ad claimed).  It seems like maybe the heart was $4 plus the adult session fee of $8 is where they got the $12 from.  Well, either way, they got me in the door and that's the whole point, isn't it?

Hayden sat at the table, Delaney stood.  We used the paint pots that were already on the table (awesome) along with a few brushes.  Hayden wanted purple and picked out orange for Delaney.  I painted with green. 

Trying to explain to the girls that they needed more paint - because you are told to do three layers - translated into adding green for Delaney and Hayden flipped her heart over and painted it blue. I was happy to see that Hayden understood that she needed to paint not only the front, but the back as well.  Delaney was pretty attached to the idea of only painting one side.  I painted the other side when she wasn't looking...

Since we were there and the session fee was paid for with the Local Gruv deal, I decided to pick up a plate to paint.  We did this last year as well - around the same time.  But, Delaney was still car seat bound at that time and obviously wasn't into painting, so all she contributed was a hand print.  This time, it was a bit different.
Delaney may look like her Dad... but she acts like her Mom.
Hands down, Delaney did not want any help painting the plate.  She fought both Hayden and me, shoo-ing us away when we got close.  I finally had to put her on the ground and quickly finish up. We added hand prints to the front of the plate, just like last year.  Hayden signed her name on the back, backwards... Delaney climbed on the table...We washed up, paid for the plate and we went on our way - next door for some much needed Starbucks. 

Until next week...

A few other blogs worth checking out:

Shawna at Styleberry : A super creative mama with a bun in the oven. 
Lisa at Adventures in Mommyhood : A new mama, blogging about life and motherhood

Thursday, January 12, 2012


Did we have a 2011 session together? Did you not purchase digital images or were wishing you purchased more? Missed out on some awesome professional prints or storyboards? Well... you're in luck!

From January 13 until January 16, 2012 - you may purchase digital downloads from your session for 45% off!
That's right!


You already have digital images?

Take 45% off ALL Desk Prints!


Did you love your custom storyboard but didn't order?
Custom Storyboards are on sale for

$45 mounted
$35 printed

To activate any of these offers- please email me at and I will reactivate your gallery at no charge.

*This offer is only good for sessions that took place in 2011.
*Offer is good for Expired Galleries only.
*Payment must me paid in full by January 16, 2012.

Sunday, January 8, 2012

P/HD+M [1:52]

     So, here it is.  My Project 52 "launch." This year, will be for me and my girls.  Just us.  No one else. It wasn't until late this afternoon that I decided on this topic...
     I was racing home from a family photography session, just wanting to spend the last fleeting hours of the weekend at home, relaxing.  As I drove into my neighborhood, I was enjoying the fact that the sun was shining and that there were so many families out - working in the yard, walking, riding bikes and the list goes on. Then I thought, crap, when was the last time I walked with the girls to the park? It had been awhile.  Since summer most likely.  I enjoy walking to the park (about 1/4 mile from my house), but since the start of school, I frequently find that I don't have enough hours in the day:
                    After picking up the girls from school/daycare, going to dance, gymnastics, swimming or even a last minute weekday session on my end, I'm exhausted. Not to mention, I still need to cook dinner, get the girls into the bath and ready for bed all before the, "witching hour" aka 8 o'clock. Honestly, if the girls are not SLEEPING by 8 o'clock, they'll never wake up in the morning for school. Now, yes, I do have an amazing husband who helps me out a ton and I'm so thankful for that, but I still feel like there are definitely days where I feel like I don't even have time to go to the restroom! Mix all of this in - working full time as a middle school teacher (I have 226 students this year), being a full time mom and wife, a part-time housekeeper (yeah, part time, if it was full-time it would be way cleaner, but honestly a messy kitchen = my kids are fed, laundry = my kids are clothed, towels in the bathroom and toothpaste in the sink = my kids are clean) AND running a business is all pretty daunting.  Don't get me wrong - I love it all - but I realized something tonight -

I  need-no I must-spend more one on one time with my kids.

     I pulled into my driveway, walked into the house to find my youngest still napping (right where I left her 1 1/2 hours earlier) and my oldest watching Carebears.  Boo. She should be outside, running around, enjoying this warm January weather.  Before I even said, "Hi," I looked at her and said, "Get your shoes on. We're going to the park. Do you want to take your bike or scooter?" Needless to say, my husband was totally caught off guard, fine. I didn't really care. I wanted my kids to play - together - I wanted them to play with me!
     So, tonight around 4:30 pm (I guess that's more of a late-afternoon, but, who cares, it was getting dark), as my girls and I walked to the park together, I decided that I will do one *fun* thing with my girls every week. No - dance, gymnastics or swim lessons do not count, nor does having a movie evening.  It has to be something that is outside of our normal day - takes us out of the house (hopefully) and gets us interacting together, genuinely. Now, before you think that I'm an awful mom because I saying all of this - I do a lot with my girls - it's just more likely on my, "terms." I need to go grocery shopping, go to Target, the mall or whatever, 99% of the time the girls come with me or at the very least one of them does. Sometimes we will stop at the park for a few minutes or get a yogurt or even stop at Startbucks for a, "warm coco," but we rarely do anything outside of my errands that lasts for more than 15/20 minutes. We (my husband and I), do take the girls to fun places such as Disneyland (heck, we went 5 times in 2011) or Monterey - but it's a family thing, not a mommy and me thing. So, in 2012, I am dedicating this "project" to them. To us.

     The title of my Project 52 will be - P/HD+M - which stands for - Project/Hayden, Delaney + Mom.

     The last hour of the day light was spend right on target. We got to the park, Hayden ran straight for the big slides, while Delaney was still waking up from her nap.  Both girls went down the slides countless times. I secretly wished my big rear would fit down those slides! Delaney was the star of the park (after she was fully awake of course) laughing non-stop on the swings.  Seriously, non-stop. There were a few times that I, in fact, thought she was going to pass out from laughing so hard. Then Hayden had her time on the big-girl swings - always asking to go faster.  I swung next to her - I can't remember the last time I was on a swing. Delaney, watched us laughing away (she's such a happy girl) and she even spent a little time swinging on my lap and then again by herself - holding on for dear lift with a huge smile on her face. As the sun started to go down, all of the other kids and their parents started walking home or hopped into their cars.  We were one of the last ones there, Hayden put on her shoes and socks and we were off. Just in time to get ready for dinner.

So, here we are, the first image of P/HD+M.  Yeah, I know, I didn't have my camera. So what. My kids are happy and smiling - with me.  Does it matter that I took this with a piece of $400 equipment versus $3K? No. Does it make me less of a photographer.  Some may say yes.

But, let's not forget, this Project 52 is about being Mom, not a photographer.