Monday, February 20, 2012

P/HD+M [6:52]

Not much to write - we're back in the kitchen! This time for Valentine's Day cookies! I swear, next week we'll get out of the house! But what can I say, my girls love baking and making!
All of this yummy-ness purchased at Target. 
Target tip - Buy great holiday-themed items (including cookie and cake mix) at 1/2 the price the day after the holiday.  Many times, items like this Betty Crocker cookie mix is exactly the same, just the packaging is a bit different! Great way to save a few bucks.

A few others to check out:
Shawna at Styleberry : A super creative mama with a bun in the oven.
Lisa at Adventures in Mommyhood : A new mama, blogging about life and motherhood
Christine at Raising Turtlebird : A new mama, blogging about life, work and motherhood

This project is not about being a photographer. It's about being a better mom to my girls. 

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